Monday, March 14, 2011

The Polio Victim ( On determination and Self will )

The Polio Victim ( On determination and self will ) Mar 14, '11 4:23 AM
for everyone
This is an inspiring story about a boy , a polio victim who lives in one Asian city far away. Because of physical disability , he could not attend school . Feeling that he was becoming a burden to his family , this boy became very depressed . To forget his misery , he began to teach himself English by listening to BBC . Soon , he picked up English very well . Hearing of this , BBC presented him with a short wave radio . After this he began to learn German , once again by listening to the radio . In this way , this boy taught himself many things . One day , he started teaching the son of the maid servant who worked in his house . Word spread , and other poor boys came to him for instructions . Soon he found he was running a small school at home . Seeing this , relatives who once came from America donated this boy a wheel chair . Other boys who once avoided this polio victim now became his friends and , forming a service club ,they began to do service all over town . This is an example of what sheer determination and self will can do . This noble man lives in the city of Madras , India .

1 comment:

clariz said...

Hi Mr. Danny, I love this blog very much!!!! I am also a polio victim