Saturday, August 29, 2009

Reflections On The Windmills Of My Mind

There is no such thing as meeting by chance. Everyone is destined to meet the people in their lives. Every person we meet has a role in our life’s story and every place and event that happens is part of the whole script. With a lot of changing roles and changing events, we get into a lot of confusion and lose faith and we detract from our focus. We become judgemental, analytical, prejudiced, impatient, obstinate, procrastinating, and critical. Eventually, we develop fear and frustration.

Had we looked at it differently: that in the end, life has one purpose and it is our destiny to achieve this purpose? Wouldn't’t it be great if we can engage and empower the people around us and create an environment of forward thinking and being positive? These are the instruments we need to achieve our goals towards fulfilling our destiny.

Due to this awareness, we should realize that there are no mistakes in life to be regretful of, but rather all of these are lessons to be learned to achieve God’s plan for us. As the saying goes: at the end of our life what is important is how we used or wasted our talents and gifts.

I am blessed with a lot of challenges and opportunities in life. Every activity was an opportunity to learn lessons, and a chance to share these with others who will benefit from it.

So that when asked,“If you had the chance to re-live your life, how would you want to live it?”I would say that I would live it exactly as I have done now: with eagerness and optimism

We are blessed with the chance to live a good life and the choice to make it better. But, although it is good to be alive, life is imperfect and unfair. Our life is designed to be an arena and a theater of various storyboards and scripts that progresses toward God’s plan for us and everyday becomes a battle to be able to cruise through life’s challenges and opportunities and to survive with hope for eventual peace and harmony with everything that surrounds us.

Life can never and will never be perfect but we should always remember to count the perfect moments in our lives.

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